after lpn provision ok ENABLE_SUSPEND _MASK what sleep they are configuring bls_pm_setSuspendMask(SUSPEND_ADV | DEEPSLEEP_RETENTION_ADV | SUSPEND_CONN | DEEPSLEEP_RETENTION_CONN)
LPN can reduce the power consumption before establishing a connection with friend by increasing FRI-REQ_TIMEOUT_SS (default is 2s); If you want to reduce the power consumption after establishing a connection with your friend, you can increase FRI-POLLINTERVAL_S (default is 2s)
TL_HSF 发表于 2024-12-2 14:55
LPN can reduce the power consumption before establishing a connection with friend by increasing FRI ...
while increasing FRI_POLL_INTERVAL_MS current consumption also be 700UA,i have configured FRI_POLL_INTERVAL_MS for 120 seconds while sleep its consuming 700 UA how to reduce?